1. If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why?
2. If you were an actress/actor, who would you want to be?
3. What country would you most like to visit?
4. Do you think fashion is important?
5. What kinds of junk food do you eat?
6. What are you addicted to?
7. When do you think is the best time to get married?
8. Do you think children in Taiwan are spoiled or deprived these days?
9. What is one thing you wish you could change about Taiwan?
10. Where do you get information on the news?
11. What is your best quality?
12. What dishes can you cook well?
13. Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or at home?
14. What is your favorite restaurant?
15. What is your morning routine?
16. Who do you hang out with in your spare time?
17. What school subjects did you like in high school?
18. What do you think are important qualities for a leader to have?
19. How do you stay in shape?
20. Do you have a favorite English proverb?
21. How much sleep do you get every night?
22. What do you worry about?
23. What sports do you like to watch?
24. Do you think men and women can be best friends even if they are dating or married to other people?
25. Are you good at saving money?
26. When you are on vacation, do you like to just relax or stay active?
27. Do you look the same now as you did in high school?
28. Do you think health care should be free?
29. Do you believe in ghosts?
30. Are you superstitious?
31. What your favorite modern device? (Something that wasn’t available 100 years age)
32. What the last movie you saw at movie theater?
33. What’s something that you know that most people do not?
34. Do you have any regrets?
35. Does your family celebrate birthdays in any special way?
36. Do you ever give money to charities or volunteer?
37. What is something that you think you really get your money’s worth for?
38. If you could change gender for a week, would you do it?
39. Do you think that’s easier being man or woman?
40. If you could really “sell your soul to devil”, would you do it? if you would, what would you sell it for? If not, why not?
41. Would you rather be blind or deaf?
42. If you were about to die, what’s the last thing you would say and to whom?
43. If you were in some kind of weird accident and would either forget who everyone else was or who you were, which would you prefer?
44. Would you rather have four arms or four legs?
45. If you had to travel 100 years into the future or 100 years into the past, which would you choose?
46. Would you rather become less attractive or less intelligent?
47. If you could go back in time and do something differently, and it would change everything in your life when you returned the next week to today, like in the movies “Back to the Future,” what age/year would you go back to and what would you change?
48. What would you do if a doctor told you that you only had 24 hours to live?
49. If it would always be nighttime or daytime for you, which would you choose?
50. Would you rather be wealthy and homely or poor and beautiful?
51. If you could ask your future self from the year 2020 just a question, what would it be?
52. If you are going to be reincarnated as a living organism other than a human, what would you want to come back as? Why?
53. If you could breed a hybrid of two animals and the new species would have the abilities of both animals, what animals would you choose?
54. Do you think intelligent life exists outside of our planet?
55. If you knew you were going to lose your sight in one month, what would you do?
56. If you could breathe under water like a tuna or fly like an eagle, which would you do?
57. In the movie Matrix, if you take blue pill, you image you are living a normal, happy life, but are ignorant of the real world, but if you swallow the red pill, you see the real world for what it is. Which pill would you take?
58. If you were given the ability to become invisible for one day, what would you do?
59. Would you rather lose all of you old memories or not be able to make new memories?
60. If you could ask God a question, what would it be?
61. If you had the ability to see 24 hours into the future, what would you do?
62. What are you three favorite smells?
63. If you could make one thing in the world disappear forever, what would it be?
64. If you were a flower, what flower would you be and why?
65. If you were given NT$30000 and told that you had to spend it all today, what would you buy?
66. If you could solve one of the world’s problems, what would it be and why?
67. When is the last time you were really angry?
68. In what way are you old-fashioned?
69. What’s something you do differently than most people?
70. Would you rather be a worried genius or joyful fool?
71. What’s your happiest childhood memory?
72. What are you most grateful for?
73. If you could go into any store and take as much merchandise as you wanted in five minutes for free, what store would you choose? What would you take?
74. What smell reminds you of home?
75. What is a good place to visit, but you would not want to live there?
76. If you could only eat five different foods for the rest of your life, what would they be?
77. When is it acceptable to tell a white lie? Do you remember that last white lie you told?
78. What do you wish for your country?
79. What will you New Year’s resolution be?
80. What is saddest memory?
81. What do you think about men who wear earrings?
82. What is your favorite clothing brand?
83. If you were away from for 2 months, what food that you get locally would you miss eating?
84. If you could be famous for anything, what food that you get locally you miss eating?
85. If you could reverse one decision made by a politician, what would it be?
86. If you could survive without ever eating, drinking, or sleeping, which would you choose?
87. If you could take a pill which made you able to speak very language fluently or play musical instrument beautifully, which would you choose?
88. If you were a flavor of ice cream, what flavor would you be?
89. If you were in a situation where if you do what you think is right, you will be punished, but if you do what you think is wrong, you will be rewarded, which would you choose?
90. What famous movie quote do you know?
91. If you were to compete to see who could eat the most of one food, what food would you choose?
92. What is your earliest memory?
93. What is something that you and your friends or family members disagree about?
94. Who is your favorite relative growing up?
95. What experience has changed your outlook on life?
96. If you could be someone famous for a day, who would you be choose?
97. If you could meet one living celebrity, who would it be?
98. If you were in a talent show, what would you perform?
99. If the Internet had never been invented, in what way might life be better?
100.What movie do you wish you could live in?